So when I got this Lasik surgury done they told me I'm not suppose to wear make up for two weeks...ok no biggy, I can do that. Well, it's been 7 days without make up and I'm starting to feel, what 's the word....unfinished? I don't know! I guess just not all put together. It's so weird how make up changes the way you look so much, I don't even wear that much make up but man, no eyeliner on these eyes, watch out, something scary! Only 7 more days * sigh* AND on another subject, we are moving at work and dust bunnies are jumping everywhere, including my eyeballs. Don't think it's a good thing. And I already have a red eye from a stupid broken blood vein or whatever it's called, I don't need or want them to get any redder! Don't get me wrong, I am sooo glad I got this done, but I just can't wait until I don't have to put eye drops in my eyes every 2 hours and put this stuff that is as thick as vasoline in my eyes at night. I guess it's a small price to pay though for 20/20! Being able to actually see Travis when I'm lying next to him is pretty awesome. Even with clear things that are taped on my face, it's worth it. And in the morning trying to get them off and having circle indents around my eyes for an hour. And puffy cheeks from the tape all day. It's
all worth it!